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  • Behaviour Addendum

    Fri 29 May 2020 Miss Brake
    Please look in our policies section for the new Covid-19 addendum to the behaviour policy.


  • DfE Advice for Homeschooling

    Fri 22 May 2020

    Here is the latest information from the DfE and how you can support them with their learning at home.


  • Half Term Update

    Thu 21 May 2020

    Dear parents and carers, 


    Next week is half term and the school will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be no staff on site during these three days and there will be no home learning set for this week. EduCare will be open on Thursday and Friday only. 


    Thank you

  • School Re-Opening FAQs

    Wed 20 May 2020

    Parents FAQ


    1. When is the school likely to re-open?

    The government have said that the earliest possible date is June 1st. As this is a training day, the earliest date we will be open is 2nd June. Unfortunately, the government are planning to confirm whether this date will go ahead as late as May 28th so we will not be able to be certain until this date.

    2. Will all children be returning to school?

    No, the government have asked schools to re-open for Year R, 1 and 6.

    3. Will children in those year groups be in school every day?

    No, children in year R, 1 and 6 will be offered the chance to come to school on a Monday & Tuesday OR a Thursday & Friday. This is to ensure that we can open in the safest manner possible

    4. Will the children be taught by their own teacher?

    This will not be possible for all children but we will try to make the teacher and teaching assistants they have as consistent as possible.

    5. What about the children in years 2, 3, 4 and 5?

    We will continue to provide home learning for these children on the school website.

    6. What about home learning for my year R, 1 or 6 child on the days when they are not in school?

    We will provide some home learning for these children too.

    7. Do I have to send my child to school?

    No, the school will be respecting the rights of any parent to keep their child at home during the summer term.

    8. How are you planning to keep the children safe?

    In order to make the school environment as safe as possible, we will be:

    • reducing class sizes to no more than 15
    • separating each group as much as possible although they may pass in the corridor
    • staggering start and finish times for school
    • using different entrances and exits for different year groups
    • staggering break and lunchtimes
    • ensuring the children wash their hands at regular intervals
    • increasing the cleaning taking place at school
    • removing soft toys and furnishings as much as possible
    • windows and door will be propped open to maintain airflow / ventilation



    9. Are there measures in place to protect the staff?

    Yes, we have taken measures to support staff’s ability to keep 2m apart. One of this is that parents will not be allowed into school (except to collect their child at the end of the day) except by prior appointment. Only one parent will be allowed in the school reception at any time and the office staff will be keeping the hatch closed unless they need to pass something through.

    10. How can parents speak to a member of staff?

    We would ask parents to phone the school if they need to speak to a member of staff. No member of staff, including our family liaison officer, will be able to meet with parents except by prior appointment.

    11. Will my child have to wear school uniform?

    No, it is important that children come to school in clean clothes each day and so we will be allowing children to wear non-school uniform. Please keep this as suitable for school as possible e.g. no spiderman outfits!

    12. Will I still receive free school meal vouchers?

    We have applied for these vouchers for all children who are entitled to free school meals for the week beginning 1st June and are expecting that you will receive them as normal this week. We will update you about any government changes to the scheme when we know more.

    13. My child is currently in EduCare – what will happen to them?

    We will continue to run EduCare 5 days a week for the children of key workers. Unfortunately, because of the need to keep groups of children apart, your child will need to stay with the EduCare group rather than joining their class. From June 1st, if your child is in EduCare and in years 3 - 6 but you are not entitled to free school meals, you will need to pay for them or send your child with a packed lunch.

    14. I have not been using EduCare but am a keyworker and am going back to work – can I use this facility?

    The list of jobs that are classed as keyworkers has not changed. If you need to start using this service, please complete a keyworker application form which we can email you. Even if you have completed one in the past, please let us know that your child needs a space so we can plan for additional numbers.

    15. The government have stated that it is their ambition to bring all primary children back to school before the end of the summer term. Will this be happening?

    We do not currently see how this will be feasible due to the space that is needed to keep groups to a maximum of 15, the number of staff who are able to work and the safety of our staff.

    16. Will there be Breakfast and After School Club?

    We will not be able to provide this as we need to keep groups of children apart.

  • A Letter for YR, 1 and 6 Parents

    Thu 14 May 2020

    Dear Parents,


    Following the government’s recent announcements on reopening schools, we are currently trying to plan to do this safely at Prince Rock Primary.


    The government are currently asking us to open to children in, year R, year 1 and year 6 in just over 2 weeks’ time from Monday 1st June. We actually have a LAT wide training day on the Monday 1st, so anything we do will start from the Tuesday.


    We are currently looking very carefully at the government guidance and considering a range of things to make reopening school safer, such as staggered start and finish times, smaller numbers in each classroom and one way moving around the school procedures. We are also considering the possibility of opening to certain year groups / classes / groups of children on different days or times of the week.


    We want to work with you as partners in this process and as part of our planning for reopening we would like to get some sort of idea of how you are currently feeling about the idea of sending your child back to our care on the 2nd June. We won’t be holding you to what you say now and we know that things can change as the national picture on Covid-19 changes and the national lockdown begins to take effect.


    If your child is in year R, 1 or 6, please would you please complete the survey below to answer the following questions as soon as you can describing how you currently feel about sending your child in on Tuesday 2nd June. You will need to copy and paste the link into your browser.


    Thank you for your help.

    Yours faithfully,


    Ms C. Brake

    Executive Headteacher



    Survey Link



  • Update Regarding School Opening

    Tue 12 May 2020

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    You will have heard the recent government announcements on trying to get nursery, year R, year 1 and year 6 pupils back to school on June 1st, with everyone else joining a few weeks later for a month before the summer.


    In the current circumstances this appears to be a very challenging and aspirational target.


    Please be assured that over the next few days we will will doing our very best to make sense of the governments documentation and advice and we will start to do what we can to plan the safe reopening of our school. 


    We will be asking for your views on returning your children to our care in due course and we would like to reassure you that our overriding priority as we plan the rest of this school year, will be the safety of your children and our staff.


    We hope to have a comprehensive plan in place, should we return, very soon and will communicate this to you as soon as we can.


    Best wishes,


    Ms C. Brake

  • Updates from the Government

    Mon 11 May 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    As you will be aware, the Prime Minister made some announcements last night, including an aspiration that children in years R, 1 and 6 return to school from the 1st June.


    Like you, we have only just seen the announcement and at this stage we cannot answer all of your questions. We are still waiting to receive more information from government about what this means for our school.


    We would like to remind you all that in the short term nothing has changed.


    We will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once we are able to do so.


    Kind regards


    Ms C. Brake


  • Latest Government Guidance

    Mon 04 May 2020