Update Regarding School Opening
Dear Parents / Carers,
You will have heard the recent government announcements on trying to get nursery, year R, year 1 and year 6 pupils back to school on June 1st, with everyone else joining a few weeks later for a month before the summer.
In the current circumstances this appears to be a very challenging and aspirational target.
Please be assured that over the next few days we will will doing our very best to make sense of the governments documentation and advice and we will start to do what we can to plan the safe reopening of our school.
We will be asking for your views on returning your children to our care in due course and we would like to reassure you that our overriding priority as we plan the rest of this school year, will be the safety of your children and our staff.
We hope to have a comprehensive plan in place, should we return, very soon and will communicate this to you as soon as we can.
Best wishes,
Ms C. Brake