Athlete Visit (Argyle Day)
Athlete Visit
Gary Sawyer & Zak Baker (PAFC)
The children were brilliant this morning during the Argyle assembly where all of them got to listen to how Argyle achieved success this season. They also got to have a Q&A with Gary Sawyer and Zak Baker which was fantastic. In addition to this, the children heard from Stew all about why project 35 was important. See his message below.
"Thank you so much for allowing us to bring the trophy on tour to your school today. I can confirm a total of 437 food items were raised, an unbelievable amount! Thank you so much to the families and the school for supporting project 35, this really will make a huge difference to our community."
Athlete Visit
Gary Sawyer (PAFC)
Wow! What an exciting day we've had at Prince Rock. Today, we invited in Gary Sawyer from Plymouth Argyle Football Club (PAFC) who delivered an inspirational assembly all about hard work, team spirit and working together. The children were fascinated listening to Gary's stories and even got to ask him some of their burning questions related to his interesting sporting career. The children were overjoyed to hear that he had play against some of the great footballers of the modern era.
Although Gary talked about his football career, it was also great to hear him encourage all of the children to pursue a physical activity or sport that they enjoy. Many of the children at the school shared with Gary their interests and it was wonderful to see that children at Prince Rock enjoy a wide variety of physical activities outside of school.
In addition to the fantastic assembly, the children were over the moon to have a special guest visit from Pilgrim Pete which really topped off the event! The children also had the opportunity to give back to the community by raising funds for Project 35 which is a charity run by Argyle.