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  • Learning at Home

    Mon 21 Sep 2020

    If your child is isolating due to a positive COVID-19 result or because they are awaiting a test, please follow the link and click on your child's class to find learning for them to complete. There will be a link to White Rose Maths and Oak Academy where the core subjects can be followed (English and maths). There will also be additional foundation subject activities for your child to complete.


  • Parent - FAQs September

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    September Re-opening FAQ for parents


    Which year groups can come to school in September?

    In September, the school will be open to all children Monday – Friday.


    Do children have to attend school?

    Yes, attendance rules will resume as normal. If you are anxious about your child returning to school, please give us a ring to discuss this.


    What will be the size of the bubbles?

    We will be keeping year groups apart as much as possible but classes within year groups will need to work together at times in order for us to provide the best education. For example, children will need to be in the right phonic group.


    Can staff move between bubbles?

    Yes, staff can work across different year groups.


    Will there be extra cleaning taking place?

    Yes, the cleaners will continue to thoroughly clean the school each day, especially areas such as door handles. In addition, all the toilets in the school will be cleaned at lunchtimes.


    How will you help my child to catch up with the learning they have missed?

    In the Autumn term, we will be finding out what your children need to learn, including this in the class teaching and putting in additional interventions. The government have announced some money for 1-1 tuition but no further details have been sent to schools yet.


    What won’t be allowed?

    We won’t be able to invite parents in for assemblies and we think Christmas will have to be different this year. We will not be able to run the Heatree trip this year. Parents who have paid a deposit have been contacted about this.


    Will classrooms look different?

    Many classrooms will look the same but we will be moving group tables so that children are sat side by side as much as possible.


    Can children share resources?

    Yes, within their year groups they can share resources but pens and pencils will be in separate pen pots or zip lock bags.


    Will children wear uniform?

    Yes – we will be returning to full school uniform.


    Can children and staff wear masks in school?

    No, these should be removed on entering the school. New government guidance about wearing masks in corridors is for secondary schools only.





    Can parents come into the building?

    Parents are not allowed to come into the school building without an appointment. Activities like Wish Wednesday won’t be able to restart yet. We will, however, let parents into the playgrounds at the end of the day to collect their children but please do not arrive early or congregate in groups.


    Can clubs run?

    We are hoping to run after school clubs which will be open to individual year groups.

    We are also intending to gradually re-open Breakfast & After School Club. If your child attended last year, further details have been sent to you about this. We are starting by opening Breakfast Club for children in years 1, 4 and 5 and After School Club for children in years 2,3,5 and 6.


    Will the behaviour policy change?

    We will be using the Prince Rock Behaviour Policy as normal although we know some children may need some support in the first few weeks to settle back into a school routine. If your child has a Behaviour Support Plan, we will be reviewing this to ensure they do not put their own safety of that of others at risk.


    What happens if a child is ill?

    No child who is ill should be sent to school.

    If a child displays any symptoms of Covid-19 (NHS list below) whilst at school, the child will be sent home and parents MUST request a test for their child. If the test is negative, all children and staff will be able to remain at school. If this test is positive, all other children and staff in the ‘bubble’ will also need to self-isolate for 14 days. If children are required to self-isolate, we will provide home learning for them.

    There may be individual cases where we send children home at an earlier point should a risk assessment suggest this.

    High temperature

    A new continuous cough – coughing a lot for more than an hour

    A new continuous cough – 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours

    A loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


  • Parent Letter - Remote Learning

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    Monday 7th September 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    We have now had the children back in school for three days and it has been wonderful to see them all again. The children have come back to school showing great behaviour and are sticking to their year group bubbles very sensibly. We are very proud of them.

    Beginnings and ends of days are running relatively smoothly now – thank you for working with us on this. We are aware that is busy after school at the main gate and would request that year 4 parents do not arrive at school before 3.05pm at the earliest in order to make social distancing easier. Please do not wait for your child in the road.

    We would like to take this opportunity to explain what will happen this term if your child is ill or self-isolating.

    1) If your child is displaying any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or the loss or change to their sense of smell), please do not send them to school and request a test by calling 119. Please let the school know the test results as soon as possible. If they develop one of these symptoms during the day, we will contact you and you will need to collect your child from school immediately.

    2) If your child has different symptoms e.g. a runny nose but no cough or temperature, please send them to school if they are well enough.

    Further details were published on Friday by the government :

    3) Should your child have to self-isolate, please let us know immediately and the school will provide learning for them to do at home. Most of you used the home learning resources on our website last term and home learning will be similar to that but there will also be higher expectations of how much your child will do each day. This will be appropriate to the age of the child and any additional needs, but some general principles are outlined below:

    • Home learning will be provided which should last for the duration of a normal school day.
    • Teaching videos will be provided and, across the week, there will be learning in different areas of the school curriculum.
    • We will be asking that the children send their work back to school each day so that the teacher can check the learning and provide feedback as necessary. Further details will be provided in the next few weeks about using Microsoft Teams to do this.
    • We will be in regular contact with you so please make sure that your email address and phone number are up-to-date and you look out for communications from school.
    • You will be able to request paper copies of the learning if you have no access to the internet.

    Please do not panic as we will work closely with you should this situation arise.

    Please phone the school office if you have any questions.

    Yours faithfully,


    Ms C. Brake




  • Parent Letter - 1st September

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    Tuesday 1st September


    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    We hope you have all had a great summer and been able to enjoy some of the sunny weather.


    All children are due to return to school on Wednesday 2nd September full time. We know that some of you will be anxious about your children returning and we would like to reassure you that we will be taking many measures to minimise the risk to children and staff. These include:

    • parents keeping their children at home if they are ill
    • active engagement with NHS Test and Trace system
    • keeping the children with their year groups at all times to reduce their number of contacts
    • staggering start and finish times for school
    • using different entrances and exits for different year groups
    • staggering break and lunchtimes
    • ensuring the children wash their hands thoroughly at regular intervals
    • increasing the cleaning taking place at school
    • windows and door will be propped open to maintain airflow / ventilation

    Please look at the table below carefully to see where and when your child needs to be dropped off and collected from school.

    Year Group

    Start of Day 10 minute window for arriving

    End of Day Time



    8.30 – 8.40 am

    3.00 pm

    Laira Bridge Road, KS1 playground


    8.40 – 8.50 am

    3.10 pm

    Laira Bridge Road, KS1 playground


    8.30 – 8.40 am

    3.00 pm

    Laira Bridge Road, KS2 playground


    8.40 – 8.50 am

    3.10 pm

    Main gate


    8.40 – 8.50 am

    3.10 pm

    Laira Bridge Road, KS2 playground


    8.30 – 8.40 am

    3.00 pm

    Main gate


    If you have children in more than one year group, you are able to bring them to one entrance at the later of any given times. Year R have received separate letters about their start at school.

    Please do not arrive early and congregate in groups outside school but arrive during the ten-minute slot each year group has been given. At the end of the day, you will be able to enter the school grounds to wait for your child but the gates will not be opened until just before 3pm. Parents picking up their children in Y2, 4 or 5 should not enter the school grounds until nearly 3.10pm.

    Parents will not be able to enter school grounds without an appointment so please do ring us if there is anything you need to discuss with us further. There are some FAQ (frequently asked questions) which have been sent to you with this letter which will give you more information.

    Yours faithfully,

    Ms C. Brake
