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Y6 Book Club for Y2

Y6 Book Club for Y2 


Three children in Y6 (Eliya, Liv and Mia) were eager to create and run a book club for some of our Y2 children. They were inspired by the Y6 book club they attend with our headteacher, Ms Brake. 


The girls worked together to propose their ideas and thought carefully about time, location and the focus of the sessions, which they shared with Miss McMillan as English Lead. Once this had been agreed, the girls wrote letters of invitation to children in Y2. The first Book Club will be held on Friday 19th April! 

Session 1 - Friday 19th April 

An absolutely excellent session. The three girls who are hosting the book club had thought carefully about the activities they wanted to complete. This involved sharing stories, talking about the characters and discussing what they liked or disliked about them. The children were each given a Mr Men book to take home and share with their grown-ups (alongside some colouring activities). Next week, they will come back ready to chat about their books and explore some new ones. They will also be looking at 'story cubes' next week. 

Photos to follow soon... 

Session 2 - Friday 26th April

This week the children completed a brilliant activity involving story cubes. Eliya explained how to use these superbly and the children, both Y2 and Y6, worked collectively to create a story together. They discussed the Mr Men stories and which ones they enjoyed from last week. Next week, they will be using the story cubes to create their own book marks and tell their own story! 


Well done to Y6 for planning a super session!
