Assessment Overview
How do we assess learning at Prince Rock Primary School?
At Prince Rock Primary School, we believe that knowing what each child has achieved and what their next steps is crucial to helping them to succeed. In order to know this, we regularly assess the children. This happens in different ways.
- Through questioning and discussion, teachers find out what children know during each lesson. Responsive teaching is key to ensure children are making as much progress as possible.
- Through looking carefully at the learning in the children’s books or learning journeys
- High quality written and oral feedback help both the teachers to know how the children are doing and the children to understand their own learning
- Assessments, such as benchmarking and ReadWriteInc (RWI)assessments, which find out which books children should be reading
- More formal assessments such as NFER Standardised Tests assessments, RWInc and benchmarking to assess reading levels
- Alongside these assessments, National assessments take place at the end of:
- Year R Reception Baseline Assessment
- Year 1 Phonic screening check
- Year 2 SAT tests in reading and maths (Teacher Assessment in Writing) (Altering in 2024)
- Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
- Year 6 SAT tests in reading, grammar, punctuation & spelling and maths (Teacher assessment for writing)
As a result of assessment, teachers are able to adapt their lessons and the curriculum to make sure they are fully meeting the needs of the children. Additional interventions would be put in place for any specific needs identified.
How do we track the children’s achievement?
- We use a tracking software called ‘Insight’ to record assessments of the children in reading, writing and maths three times a year
- These assessments are now based on whether children are ‘entering’, ‘developing', 'expected' or 'working at greater depth' against age related expectations The definitions below explain what the terms mean at the end of the year when they are reported to parents.
Below expected – working at a year group below their actual age
Working towards expected – just beginning to work within their year group expectations
Expected – Working at a good level for their year group
Greater depth – Working above the expected for the year group
- We also assess other curriculum areas at the end of the year (History, Geography, Art etc.)
- For these subjects, we use Below ARE, ARE and Above ARE (ARE - Age Related Expectations)
How do we ensure judgements are accurate?
- In order to ensure accuracy, we are using reading ages from Accelerated Reader, benchmarking and RWInc results for reading. To assist with writing, we have produced writing criteria which are used across the trust. We also use NFER tests at the end of every term in Years 3 - 5 for reading and maths (Autumn and Spring for Y2 and Summer Term for Y1). Staff meeting time is given for staff to work together with colleagues within the school and colleagues at other schools to moderate assessments.
- Senior Leaders check children’s assessments match the work in their books by looking at a selection termly and all children at the end of each year.
- Children in reception will also be using a baseline assessment shared across the LAT. They also complete the Reception Baseline Assessment. This helps to assess what they can do when they enter school.
- All of these additional supports form part of the teachers’ judgement alongside the children’s daily learning, work in their books and formative assessment
What do we do with this data?
The main purpose of assessment data is to inform future learning for each child. Teachers and senior leaders use it to ensure that all children and groups (including pupil premium children) receive the education best suited to their needs which will ensure excellent attainment and progress for all. Teachers meet senior leaders termly to review the progress of pupils. Governors are given an overview of the achievement of each class and cohort termly.
Parents are kept informed about their child’s achievement at Parents’ Evenings and through annual reports. If there is a concern about a child’s progress, the parent will be contacted to discuss additional support the school and home can provide for the child.