A Letter for YR, 1 and 6 Parents
Dear Parents,
Following the government’s recent announcements on reopening schools, we are currently trying to plan to do this safely at Prince Rock Primary.
The government are currently asking us to open to children in, year R, year 1 and year 6 in just over 2 weeks’ time from Monday 1st June. We actually have a LAT wide training day on the Monday 1st, so anything we do will start from the Tuesday.
We are currently looking very carefully at the government guidance and considering a range of things to make reopening school safer, such as staggered start and finish times, smaller numbers in each classroom and one way moving around the school procedures. We are also considering the possibility of opening to certain year groups / classes / groups of children on different days or times of the week.
We want to work with you as partners in this process and as part of our planning for reopening we would like to get some sort of idea of how you are currently feeling about the idea of sending your child back to our care on the 2nd June. We won’t be holding you to what you say now and we know that things can change as the national picture on Covid-19 changes and the national lockdown begins to take effect.
If your child is in year R, 1 or 6, please would you please complete the survey below to answer the following questions as soon as you can describing how you currently feel about sending your child in on Tuesday 2nd June. You will need to copy and paste the link into your browser.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Ms C. Brake
Executive Headteacher
Survey Link