Inclusive Boccia
Monday 17th October
Three of our Key Stage 2 children had a fantastic time on Monday representing our school for a Boccia event at one of the city's Secondary Schools. Here is a message from the event organiser:
"Monday 17th October – A fantastic turn out for our PSSP Primary Inclusion Boccia, hosted by the brilliant team of sports leaders from Tor Bridge High. We had 12 teams with us today, representing PSSP schools from across the city: Widewell, Bickleigh Down, Holy Cross, Drake, Montpelier, Eggbuckland Vale, Cann Bridge, Prince Rock and Thornbury. Speaking to some of the children when they first arrived, they told me that they were quite nervous and were quiet when first introduced to the leaders; once we were underway though, this changed quickly and the hall was soon buzzing with excited children. These events are some of my favourite for the whole year: we keep it very relaxed, no scores are kept – the focus is purely on learning a new sport and playing against as many teams as possible in the time we have. Our young leaders did such a great job today of introducing the children to the game and then leading all of the matches: thank you all! Thank you as well to all of the staff who brought their teams along."
Claire Cormack
Plymouth School Sports Partnership
PE Specialist Teacher
Inclusive Boccia
Intent – why
· To engage new audiences
· To foster social connections
· To develop physical skills
Intent – who
· Children with SEND