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Meet the Staff

Prince Rock Primary School prides itself on the community atmosphere that surrounds each and every person that enters the school. All staff and governors work together to ensure every child that attends the school flourishes and meets their full potential.


Leadership Team

L Hanley


A Cowan

Assistant Headteacher and DSL

E McMillan

Assistant Headteacher, English & Early Reading Lead

G Down

SLT and Maths Lead


M Potter – Y6 and PSHE Team

G Down – Y6 and Maths Lead

A Howourth - Y6, Maths Team

E McMillan – Y6 and English Lead

K Brimacombe - Y6, PPA and Music Lead

K Shaw - Academic Mentor

E Witts - Y5 and Computing Lead

N Bennett – Y5, History and Teacher Development Lead

S Walker – Y4 and Computing Lead

J Allen - Y4, PPA and Spanish Lead

R Benson - Y4, English Team and Writing Lead

B Dore – Y3, Behaviour Lead and DT Lead







N Pearce - Y3

M Watt - Y3 PPA and SENCO

K Johnson - Y2 and Art Lead

J Brooking – Y2 and PE Lead

S Upton - Y1 and Science and EAL Lead

L Bailey - Y1 and Science Team 

K Sykes - Y1 and PSHE Lead

J Bradbury - YR, English Team and Oracy Lead

E Owen - YR and Geography Lead

D Prothero - YR and RE Lead

Teaching Assistants

K James

M Lucas

S Whitney

J Stewart

B Walton

L Jobe

A Wadlan

J O’Conner

L Turner

S Minter

C Marks

C Harrison

J Jessep

E Mumford 

R Halligan

S Bidgood

C Watson


Support Staff

C Macaskill

Senior Administrator

T Venn

Business Manager

B Epsley - Cook

Family Liaison Officer







A Jeffrey 


I Stephens

Site Manager

S Gargett

School Chef

Kitchen and MTAs 

Mrs T Boyland

Mrs J O'Connor

Mrs K Page

Ms S Hazel

Mrs R Moore


Mrs T Boyland

Miss K Kolka

Ms J Martin

Mrs J O'Connor

Mrs K Page

Miss L Durose







