Welcome to the Administration staff of Prince Rock Primary School!
Claire is our Senior Administrator and is based in the office to help you with any queries you may have.
Anna is our adminstrator and is based in the office too.
Bella is our Family Liaison Officer and is based on the office. Please visit her page on the website to see how she can help you. Click here.
We are here to help you in any way we can, so please come and see us if you have any queries.
If your child needs to take medicine - Please come to one of us and we will help you complete a form. All medicines must be prescribed by your doctor except for Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Antihistamines. We will give your child their medicine when specified on the form.
If you are going to be late to school - Please inform the office as soon as possible.
If someone else is going to be collecting your child/ren at the end of the day - Please could you inform the office (by 2.45pm) or the class teacher in the morning.
If you would like to order school uniform - We no longer stock school uniform. If you would like to purchase school uniform with the PR logo, please visit: for more information.
School dinner payments (Years 3-6) - All dinner money payments must be paid on the Arbor App under the payment section for dinner money. Please ensure your child's account is topped up prior to having lunches. The cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day. Children in Years R, 1 and 2 all receive Government funded Universal Free School Meals.
If you need any help with anything, we will try and help you! If we can't, then we will find someone who can.
Come and see us for any information and just so you know, we really like chocolate!
Claire, Anna and Julie