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Parent Letter - Remote Learning

Monday 7th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have now had the children back in school for three days and it has been wonderful to see them all again. The children have come back to school showing great behaviour and are sticking to their year group bubbles very sensibly. We are very proud of them.

Beginnings and ends of days are running relatively smoothly now – thank you for working with us on this. We are aware that is busy after school at the main gate and would request that year 4 parents do not arrive at school before 3.05pm at the earliest in order to make social distancing easier. Please do not wait for your child in the road.

We would like to take this opportunity to explain what will happen this term if your child is ill or self-isolating.

1) If your child is displaying any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or the loss or change to their sense of smell), please do not send them to school and request a test by calling 119. Please let the school know the test results as soon as possible. If they develop one of these symptoms during the day, we will contact you and you will need to collect your child from school immediately.

2) If your child has different symptoms e.g. a runny nose but no cough or temperature, please send them to school if they are well enough.

Further details were published on Friday by the government :

3) Should your child have to self-isolate, please let us know immediately and the school will provide learning for them to do at home. Most of you used the home learning resources on our website last term and home learning will be similar to that but there will also be higher expectations of how much your child will do each day. This will be appropriate to the age of the child and any additional needs, but some general principles are outlined below:

  • Home learning will be provided which should last for the duration of a normal school day.
  • Teaching videos will be provided and, across the week, there will be learning in different areas of the school curriculum.
  • We will be asking that the children send their work back to school each day so that the teacher can check the learning and provide feedback as necessary. Further details will be provided in the next few weeks about using Microsoft Teams to do this.
  • We will be in regular contact with you so please make sure that your email address and phone number are up-to-date and you look out for communications from school.
  • You will be able to request paper copies of the learning if you have no access to the internet.

Please do not panic as we will work closely with you should this situation arise.

Please phone the school office if you have any questions.

Yours faithfully,


Ms C. Brake



