Sports Day
It is nearly time for Sports Day. Here is some key information for new parents and a reminder for everyone about what will happen on the day.
Where is it held?- Tothill Playing Fields (By Lanhydrock Road)
What time does it start? Arrive at 9.15 or walk down from school with your child and their class. (If you are planning on walking down with the class, please let your child's teacher know)
What happens on the day? The children all sit with their classes.
Parents can watch the races from the side of the tracks, opposite from the classes sitting on the mats. We would ask that you stay on one side of the tracks so that it is easy for the children to line up. Parents can also watch the field events and move around following their child.
We all have lunch on the field. You can take your child home after lunch—Please let your child’s teacher know they are going home so they can sign them off of the register.
The Friends’ Group will be selling pasties, drinks and strawberries if you are feeling hungry! Please don’t buy them for your children during the races/activities.
What will my child do? Every child takes part in the running race. Every child then does one other race (sack or bat & beanbag).
Every child also takes part in the field events (throwing, jumping, catching etc.)
What about lunch and snacks? After the results of all of the races (KS1 and KS2), the children are able to have a picnic lunch with you on the playing field. You can provide a packed lunch, or if you have free school meals, we will bring a lunch for your child.
What do I need to provide? A P.E kit with trainers/plimsolls (check they fit), a water bottle and a spare if it is going to be hot. Put suncream onto your child before they come to school if the sun is shining. A hat. A jumper. A packed lunch if you aren't in receipt of free school meals.
Sports Day is always a wonderful event at Prince Rock, the children love it and have a fantastic day. We are hoping for nice weather, so fingers crossed, we look forward to seeing you all there.