Our School Day and School Organisation
School Organisation
The school is organised into Key Stages - Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The classes at Prince Rock Primary School are organised into age groups which consist of:
- Foundation Stage (4-5 years)
- Key Stage One (5-7 years) – Years 1 and 2
- Key Stage Two (7-11 years) – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
It remains a priority of the school to sustain single age year groups as we feel strongly that this best supports individual child achievement and attainment. Teaching assistants work in each year group to provide additional teaching and learning support.
Our School Day
It is important that the children arrive on time for school each morning. Children enter the school building from their designated doors. Staff will be at the door at drop off and collection should you need to speak to them briefly. It is important that children arrive on time for school each morning.
Children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with free fresh fruit or vegetables each day.
Children are met by their teachers at the Foundation gates in the morning and at the end of the school day they should be collected from the Foundation outdoor space. Children will leave via the door of the Foundation classroom. Teachers will only let the children leave once their adult arrives.
Year 1 and Year 6
The children in Year 1 go through the main door for Breakfast and After School Club which is located in the small playground. They will be collected at the end of the day from the same place. Year 6 leave through the fire escape doors next to Breakfast and After School Club. If consent has been given by a parent or carer, Y6 children are allowed to walk home.
Year 2, 3, 4 and 5
All children in year 2, 3, 4 and 5 enter school through their year group doors in the big playground. They are met by an adult who will welcome them into school. At the end of the day, the children will leave the building via their year group doors. Teachers will ensure that each child is collected.
Daily Structure
08.40 – 8.50 Doors open to the children. A classroom adult to be present in the playground. SLT also present.
Registration (Until 9.00)
09.00 Assembly/AOW
(Monday – PPA Assembly 9.00 – 9.30)
09.15 Lessons
10.15 or 10.30 Break (1, 2 & 3)
11.00 Break (4,5 & 6)
10.30 or 10.45/11.15 Lessons
11.45 – 12.45 Year R lunch (staff stay with children until 12.00)
12.00 – 1.00 Year 1 lunch (staff stay with children until 12.15)
12.05 – 1.00 Year 2 lunch (staff stay with children until 12.15)
12.25 – 1.10 Year 3 lunch
12.30 – 1.15 Years 4 – 6 lunch
1.00 / 1.15 Lessons
2.40 FRIDAY ONLY - Assembly
3.10 Home Time
Total hours for the week is 32.5.