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School Closure Information - 4th January 2021

Dear Parents,


We apologise for the late notice but following the Prime Minister's broadcast this evening, the school will be closed tomorrow and switching to remote learning from Wednesday until at least the end of the February Half Term, in line with Government advice. 


We will be closed for ALL children tomorrow and re-opening on Wednesday for the children of keyworkers and vulnerable families, in line with government policy. We apologise that we will not be able to have any children in tomorrow but the announcement has come too late in the day for us to organise this on time. First thing tomorrow morning, we will send an email to all parents with a form attached that you will be able to complete should you wish to request a place in school. If we are able to grant your request, we will confirm this before 5pm tomorrow. 


Once again, we apologise for the short notice and inconvenience to you. We will be in touch tomorrow with further news.


Kind regards,

Ms Brake
