Free School Meals
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following on from last week's letter about Free School Meal funding we have received another last minute update regarding school budgets and funding.
We receive all our funding for the Key Stage 1 dinners (Years R, 1 and 2) based on the dinners taken on 2 days. One of these is in October and the other on 17th January (this Thursday). If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, it would be really helpful if you could send your child in for a school dinner on Thursday, even if they do not usually have one on that day. If your child does not like a roast dinner or jacket potatoes, we can provide a school packed lunch (Cheese, Ham or Tuna). It is an unusual system but if they do not have a dinner on Thursday, we will receive no funding for all of the other dinners they do have on other days. This means we would have to take the money out of the school budget to cover this instead of it being given from a different pot. This could affect a wide range of things such as amounts of Teachers/TAs, opportunities for extra curricular activities and even how many books we can buy for the library.
Please help by sending your child in for a school dinner on Thursday. We really appreciate your help and support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Hanley
Head of School