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Policies & Guidelines

Please find below a list of all current Prince Rock Primary School's policies.


The name of the Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Analise Cowan
The name of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Cheryl Brake
The name of the link Nominated Safeguarding Governor is: Alison Hoggan

The name of the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is: Analise Cowan 



Please click on the following link to be taken to our LAT website where you can find additional


If you would like a paper copy of any of our policies, please feel free to pop into the school office and request a copy. 

Please find below additional information from the Department for Education regarding Safeguarding and Prevent Duty. 

LAT Policies 


All LAT policies can be located on the Learning Academies Trust website. 


Please click here to locate the following policies: 

  • GDPR 
  • Freedom of Information 
  • Health and Safety 
  • Probation 
  • Whistleblowing
  • Lone Working
  • Privacy Notice 
  • Privacy Notice - Parents and Carer
Reporting a Hate Crime

At Prince Rock Primary School, we value all of our children equally, irrespective of their backgrounds. Plymouth Local Authority have asked schools to make all families aware of how to report any hate incident or crime. 


Reporting to PCC's Social Inclusion Unit - If anyone is a victim of a hate incident or witnesses one, contact our Social Inclusion Unit on 01752 304321 or email:

Reporting to Police – alternatively you can report incidents to Devon and Cornwall Police as follows:

Emergency:     999

Telephone:      999

SMS/Text:       999 – if you are Deaf/hard of hearing or speech impaired


Telephone:      101

SMS/Text:       67101 – if you are Deaf/hard of hearing or speech impaired


To make a Third Party Report: 
